1641年から1859年まで、鎖国中の日本と外国を結ぶ唯一の窓が、出島(でじま)でした。そして、その貿易相手は阿蘭陀(オランダ) だったのです。その古くからの友好国オランダと日本を結ぶ新しい窓として、2011年秋deshima(デシマ)がスタートいたしました。

Dejima was the only place of contact with the outside world whilst Japan was in isolation between 1641 and 1859.
The only country trading with Japan was the Netherlands. “deshima” was set up in autumn 2011 as a new window between Japan and the Netherlands to celebrate this long standing good relationship between the two countries. “deshima-shop” will be its first project. “deshima-shop” is located in a small room of about 30sqm in Room 402 of the Agata Takezawa Building, now a landmark in the eastern part of Tokyo. This shop will showcase aspects of the Dutch Culture that we wish to share with the Japanese people.